Salty's Eagle Cliff Trip Reports


Hiking Dates


Date Climbed: 12/05/2009

Distance: 3.6 miles

Low Elevation: 1960 feet
High Elevation: 3420 feet
Elevation Gain: 1460 feet
Elevation Loss: 1460 feet

Start Location: Greenleaf TH
Finish Location: Greenleaf TH
Route: Greenleaf Trail to just past col, then mostly direct route to summit and back

Weather: Overcast w/ ceiling above Layfayette, 30s, ceiling down to Eagle Cliff by the finish and snowing.
Companions: New Hampshire, Steve, Al Dwyer, Pamola, WhichWay, BigMoose, McRat, Carl Cressey, K-Man, Julie, RoySwkr


Marc Howes invited me along for his big finish – the New England 3k list. 452 down, 1 to go at Eagle Cliff. We met in the lot where everyone was a familiar face or at least a familiar name. My buddy Brian was there, as well as Carl, Al, BigMoose, WhichWay, Pamola, K-Man, Julie, Steve, McRat and Kevin. The Greenleaf trail is deceptively nice at first, but then gets somewhat steep. Arriving in the col, there were some views to be had back towards the notch and up towards Lafayette. Of course, seeing a big outcrop, I had to climb it, which was something of an adventure, especially getting back down.

We came across a hiker who once we went off trail shortly after the col, I saw was joining us in the whack train. The woods by and large were moderate, with a sprinkling of open and thick areas. We kept a decent ways to the north which was steep, but more direct. Keith led us to an ledge with some nice views, and we carried on to below the summit bump to get the group back together. Marc declined to lead, instead wishing to be last. We popped out on the ledge just below the summit, with a stunning view from S to NW, and a very sheer drop (it is a cliff after all). We all went to the summit where the man of the hour came up and finished his long (well, not really, he did it relatively quickly!) quest. Much congrats were given, Reese’s were passed out by our new companion Roy…. Wait a minute. I asked Carl if that was Roy Schweiker, which was answered in the affirmative. Granted I was standing with a bunch of bushwhackers who have been around, but Roy really gets around. It was a pleasant surprise.

We went back down to the ledge for champagne, beer, a stogie for Marc, and general dawdling. I could see to the south clouds obscuring the view, signs of the snow to come that day. The trip down was uneventful and seemingly quick. Most of us went to the Station for some celebratory beverages, and I exited soon thereafter as the snow was really starting to come down. A fun day and nice to be present to see Marc finish one of those ungodly lists.